

She Sheds vs Granny Flats – Find your happy place

Dreaming of a little extra space for yourself?

You’re absolutely not alone, as the ‘man cave’ craze has proven! What this ‘space to be manly’ trend fails to recognise though, is that women are also craving a space of their own. One where they can:

  • - embrace their creativity

  • - dedicate time to wellness

  • - hang out with the girls

  • - or - let’s be honest - just retreat from the world for a few precious hours!

What are the options?

You could always build an extra room onto your home, but if you’re after a space to call your own, chances are it would be best located away from the main house.

Just think, this way the children would have to put down their devices temporarily and walk outside and all the way across the lawn if they’re looking for someone to nag at.

Who knows, they may even be waylaid by a swing, slide or furry animal of some sort on the way!

Therefore, a ‘she shed’ or granny flat would be the way to go.

The difference between a ‘she shed’ and a granny flat

A ‘she shed’, like a man cave, is often a large shed space with a strong focus on fun or relaxation, tailored to your needs (and dreams).

The structure can be cheaper to build and it can serve as a garage space with the addition of roller doors and a driveway on one end. If your property is lacking sufficient secure parking, this may add to the value of the property when you decide to sell.

In contrast, a granny flat is designed to function as an addition dwelling. This means it will need to include a full bathroom and kitchenette.

This can be extremely valuable if you often have family or friends staying over and you’re happy with a dual-use space. Keep in mind that this may limit how much you can make the space your own, though.

Well-designed granny flats also typically add to the value and appeal of your property. Depending on local council regulations, they could even generate a rental income.

Regardless of which you choose, remember, "Any freestanding outdoor room requires proper footing and careful construction. Even if you're purchasing a pre-fabricated structure, it's vital to ensure that it complies with building codes and safety standards" said Building Inspector Andrew Macintosh (read more here).

Now that you know your options, all that’s left to do is decide which best fits your dreams and the needs of your property.

Happy planning!

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