

Sexy office attire the new normal

Younger generations are ditching traditional corporate wear in favour of much sexier office attire.

News.com.au reports Gen Z is getting back to the office, but they’re not dressing for the part, ditching conventional workwear for “sexy” outfits usually reserved for nightclubs.

On TikTok, there are thousands of videos tagged #workoutfits that show Gen Zers and young Millennials flaunting office attire comprised of short skirts, sheer tops and sweats, the website said.

But while these ensembles would have once merited a serious conversation with HR for being “too casual” or “too provocative” for work are now being met with a mix of consternation and wonder, the NY Post reports.

Read the full article here.

hoto: Sam Manns/Unsplash 

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