

Five diet changes to manage menopause symptoms

A nutritionist has revealed the top five diet changes women should make in their 30s and 40s to manage menopausal symptoms.

Menopause involves a reduction in the body's oestrogen levels, and can result in 150 different symptoms, lasting between one and 10 years. 

The Daily Mail reported changes in your diet, such as increasing leafy greens and cutting down on coffee can manage some of the worst peri-menopausal symptoms, including hot flushes and bone health.

The nutritionist's first tip was to increase your Omega-3 intake. The nutrient can be found in milled flaxseeds, walnuts and oily fish, including salmon, mackerel and sardines.

Omega-3 is proven to reduce hot flushes and improve mental wellbeing and maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, the website said.

She also recommended eating more green leafy vegetables as they are rich in magnesium, which is needed for over 600 processes in the body and improves energy, sleep and muscle and nerve relaxation.

Magnesium can also be found in flaxseeds, almonds, fish and meat.

Read the full report here.

hoto: Alexandru Zdrob/Unsplash

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