

Breaking Boundaries: The Inspirational Journey of Jenene Nazareth at F45 Training

Jenene Nazareth has spent her life overcoming challenges, both personal and physical. Born with a limb difference leaving her without her right hand, doctors also gave her the awful news that no woman wants to hear - that she’d never be able to conceive.

Despite the adversity Jenene has faced through her life, her optimistic outlook and will to thrive has always been a driving force of motivation for her. Yet even with this, she was no stranger to accepting that some things, such as exercise and group training, felt simply impossible for her and this took its toll. Fast forward to 2024, at 35 years old, Jenene is living proof that no challenge is too great to conquer.

Since joining F45 Reservoir two years ago, Jenene has transformed her life in more ways than one. Not only has she smashed through the barriers surrounding her disability by setting personal bests in classes and building incredible strength, but she has also found an empowering and amazing community that strives for Jenene to push beyond her limits. This confidence now extends beyond the walls of F45 Training, shining daily in her life.

In a recent F45 Training campaign, Jenene shares her journey and the impact the F45 community has had on her. Jenene’s story has inspired many, particularly those within the disabled community, and she has played a key role in creating bespoke training plans used across the F45 network to support those with similar challenges.

With the spirit of the 2024 Paris Paralympics still buzzing in the air, Jenene’s journey serves as a powerful reminder of what it means to push boundaries and continue to inspire others to strive to be the best version of themselves, no matter the hurdles that they face on the journey.

Q&A with Jenene Nazareth:

Q: What initially drew you to F45 Training, and how has it had an impact on your life?

Truth be told, I was apprehensive and nervous to start my F45 Training journey. It was actually my partner that pushed me to put myself out of my comfort zone, to surprise myself in what I was able to achieve, and I’m so thankful that he did. Since joining F45 Reservoir almost 2 years ago, I can say it’s now a huge part of my life, in all facets. Not only have I significantly improved my fitness, but my self image, sense of worth and motivation, with a beautiful community behind me in other members, trainers and of course, my inspiring husband. F45 is now a part of who I am. It’s pushed me to become the best version of myself, and if my story can inspire just one other person from the disabled community to put themselves out there and give it a go, then I've succeeded.

Q: What’s been the most significant physical achievement for you since joining F45 Training?

I’ve hit several personal bests, but the biggest achievement would have to be feeling strong and capable in my own body. Whether it’s mastering movements that seemed impossible at first or pushing through those final reps, I’ve proved to myself that strength isn’t about physical limitations—it’s about mental resilience.

Q: How do you feel F45 Training has helped you outside of the gym?

The confidence I’ve built in the gym has translated to all areas of my life. I no longer feel defined by what others may see as limitations. Instead, I embrace my abilities, and that’s helped me in my professional life, my relationships, and just how I approach every challenge.

Q: What advice would you give to someone facing their own physical challenges?

Don’t let anyone else define your limits or tell you can’t do something. You’ll be amazed at what your body and mind can do when you have the right support . Surround yourself with people who believe in you, and remember that progress is always a positive step in the right direction - celebrate the wins, no matter how big or small!

Q: How does it feel to know that your story is inspiring others, particularly within the disabled community?

It’s incredibly humbling. If my journey can show even one person that they’re stronger than they think, then it’s all worth it. I want people to know that we are capable of so much more than we realize, and I hope I can continue to be a voice for those who might feel unheard or underestimated.

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